Apr. 112016

banner-180x151pxWorkshop-debate about caricature and freedom of speech

On March 21st, as part of the Week of Action against RacismMedia Animation (Belgian partner of BRICkS project) in collaboration with the MRAX (Movement against Racism, Anti-Semitism and xenophobia), organized a workshop-debate on the issues of the caricature and freedom of speech in the fight against discrimination. 

In the first part of the morning, a round table addressed these issues, focusing mostly on media education and living together. This round table, leaded by Jean-François Dumont from the AJP (Belgian Professional Association of Journalists), gathered:

The roundtable was followed by a question and answer session with the audience.
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In the second part of the morning, the educational tool Educaricature to explore critically caricatures with youth from 15 to 20 years was presented and offered for implementation in the field of youth. The audience was invited to give its opinions and remarks about the tool and the exercises proposed.

The workshop-debate ended with a lunch to foster networking between participants for the fight against hate speech and discrimination.

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#Silencehate: release of the Belgian national study on hatespeech and participation in the online press

March 21st, international day for the elimination of racial discrimination, was also the opportunity to publish the Belgian national study on hatespeech and participation in the online press. The Belgian information website RTBF info wrote an article about the release of this study and the workshop organised.

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