Manage the community, instead of the hate. DIG.It 2015


Date(s): 02/10/2015 - 03/10/2015
All Day

Camera di Commercio di Prato

Lade Karte ...

The Digital Journalism Festival #digit15  is promoted by the association LSDI (Freedom of the press, right to information), composed by a group of journalists aimed at reflecting on the challenges of the contemporary journalism, in cooperation with the Order and Union of Journalists.

The debate about hate speech has opened the 2 day festival on the 2nd of October. Alessia Giannoni, project manager Cospe, Letizia Materassi , University of Florence, Daniele Chieffi, social media manager ENI, Marco Pratellesi, l’Espresso, Brahim Maarad, journalist and blogger, Valentina Vellucci, digital analyst Magilla Guerrilla contributed to the public discussion. The first findings of the bricks research were presented and speakers reflected on the possible solutions for the contrast of online hate speech and the role of the journalism.

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