
Workshops for students in Czech

 Article, hate speech  Kommentare deaktiviert für Workshops for students in Czech
Juni 302016

bricks_studenti_04We are just before school holiday right now so it is a good timing for brief looking back at implementation of our workshops combating hate speech at high schools. Till now we have implemented 25 workshops for over 450 students and their feedback is really positive. To think about hate speech like about something problematic was for most of them very new. Students were not familiar with terms “dangerous speech” or “hoax”. In their own words they will be more aware of what they will learn from media and what they will share on social media from now on. However they are still trying to find their border of irony/humor and hate speech.   Do you know where is yours? What can be still considered as a joke and what is over line? This is an interesting point for deeper reflection for everybody of us.

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 Posted by at 12:52

Multicultural Festival Kaleidoskop

 Article, hate speech  Kommentare deaktiviert für Multicultural Festival Kaleidoskop
Juni 302016

3A day full of colours, exotic cuisine and interesting program was prepared by the organizers of Multicultural Festival Kaleidoskop for public audience. Festival Kaleidoskop took place 11th June in Prague and Multicultural Center of Prague was part of it with its activities to combat hate speech.

The audience were mainly families with kids – while the adults had the opportunity to try the quiz “know the religion of head covers,” children were trying to form a nice speech and write it down on inflatable balloons or create a picture. The goal was clear – to trump hate speech, which were hung  around, by children (or adults) messages. Adults participants had also opportunity to become familiar with the research realized in the area of hate speech.

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 Posted by at 12:18

Conference About Extremism without Extremism, Slovakia

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Juni 272016

_13A0660Iuventa, Slovak Youth Institute managed by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic has organized from 16th till 17th June Conference About extremism without Extremism, at which were introduced experts from Slovakia and abroad. Main speaker was German psychologist and a world expert on violent extremism and methods of preventing and deradicalization, Harald Weilnböck. Besides his lecture and panel debate of experts there was at the Conference also space for professional workshops for participants. One of the topics which was presented was the phenomenon of hate speech. Through activities of experiential learning trainers from Multicultural Center of Prague have presented how to teach about hate speech high schools students. They have presented to all participants hate speech lecture guide prepared for teachers and youth educators.

You can check pictures from the conference here

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 Posted by at 09:36


 Uncategorized  Kommentare deaktiviert für CAMPAIGN IN CZECH REPUBLIC
März 302016

Within the international campaign „Silence hate! Changing words changes the World”, Multicultural Centre Prague produced a video named „#HodnejKluk (#GoodGuy)” and organized a guided walk through Prague, with the purpose to highlight the importance of building respect on internet and in everyday life.



The aim of walk named „Racially motivated murders during the Czech post social era“ was to inform public about a wave of racially motivated violence that Czech part of Czechoslovakia and the later Czech Republic experienced between 1990 and 2000. Although these crimes largely coincided with racist skinhead subculture, many of these crimes could take place only because of the prevailing moods in the society and more or less tacit approval on the side of “non-subcultural” majority.

Created a guided by: ONDŘEJ DANIEL co-founder of the Center for the Study of Popular Culture


THE VIDEO #HodnejKluk (#GoodGuy)

Are you irritated by hateful comments of your facebook friends? Do vulgar statements on Twitter irritate you? Or in contrary are you the one who likes to curse ones in a while? Look how it ends if somebody let’s poison his mind by hate and anger…

Created by: SIGNAL GENERATOR (Czech Republic)



Posted by: Andrea Svobodová


 Posted by at 13:18

Train the trainers

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März 102016

The train the traDSC_3451iners for Czech participants took place in the Centre of Ecological Activities Sluňákov near Olomouc, from February 5th to February 7th, 2016. On the first day, the 28 trainers went through the different definitions of hate speech, dangerous speech in relation to the Czech context, and learnt more about how to deal with conflicts in the classroom. On the second day, the trainers lead the workshops on their own with facilitated feedback, the evening was spent together with a movie projection In the Wild North, followed by a  discussion with a representative of one of the minorities that is a target of hate speech. The last day was closed by logistical information, our next steps and by a debate with another representative of another minority.



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 Posted by at 13:01