
UNESCO’s global coalition against extremisms and hate speech

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Mai 182016

Promoted by UNESCO, the Campaign Unite4Heritage purposes to defend cultural heritage and diversity around all over the world.

It is designed to empower the mobilization of governments and all heritage stakeholders in response to the deliberate damage to cultural heritage, especially in the Middle East. Moreover, it invites everyone to oppose to any extremisms and radicalizations by celebrating the places, objects and cultural traditions.

Among its areas of interest, it is important to highlight that Unite4Heritage is engaged in “cultural diversity education”, which is a topic strictly connected to BRICKS’ aims. The coalition works to ensure young people can use the Internet without risk of radicalization, and to Counter Online Hate Speech through media and information literacy. It rises up against any types of extremist and negative narratives that call for attacks on cultural diversity.


Visit the site to get involved in UNITE4HERITAGE!

“Countering Online Hate Speech”

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Mai 112016

Launched on 2015, “Countering Online Hate Speech” publication is a part of the ongoing UNESCO Series on Internet Freedom. The study has been realized in cooperation with the Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy at the University of Oxford. It provides an overview of the dynamics characterizing online hate speech with the aim of disseminate some of the measures adopted to mitigate it, and good practices developed.

In the introduction we can read: “Hate speech online is situated at the intersection of multiple tensions: it is the expression of conflicts between different groups within and across societies; it is a vivid example of how technologies with a transformative potential such as the Internet bring with them both opportunities and challenges; and it implies complex balancing between fundamental rights and principles, including freedom of expression and the defence of human dignity.”.

The research focuses on four areas of study. First of all, the “definition” of the hate speech; secondly the “jurisdiction” of the national governments and the role of transnational companies; the “comprehension” especially the character of online hate speech and its relation to offline speech; lastly the “intervention”, meant as the identification of a variety of methods that have been used to address specific and contextual problems.


To learn more about the publication please click on the link

The counter narrative toolkit

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Mai 102016

Funded by Facebook, the “Counter-Narrative Toolkit” website was created in order to push back against violent extremist content online. Furthermore, it was designed following the recognition that many of the individuals that are best positioned to produce credible counter-narrative messages do not always have the skills to do so.

The toolkit is completely free and it offers a guide to produce counter-narrative content and campaigning. Thanks to this site any individual or organisation looking to create counter-narratives can plan, create and promote its own campaign or social media strategy.

Let’s plan your campaign by following step-by-step tools and video tutorials!

Workshop on Hate Speech in Bologna

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Mai 042016

On May the 3rd, a journalism workshop about hate speech took place in Bologna, hosted by International Centre Zonarelli. This lesson is part of the journalism training course organised by Association SHE news and addressed to a group of 10 migrant women. Also a group of students from the Department of Political Science took part at the participative training.

Alessia Giannoni, from Cospe, was invited to talk about “hate speech”, the role of media, its consequences and possible solutions. The lesson was the occasion for a real exchange among migrants, journalists, associations and students. 


ECRI General Policy Recommendation on combating Hate Speech

 Article  Kommentare deaktiviert für ECRI General Policy Recommendation on combating Hate Speech
Apr. 272016

On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, ECRI – European Commission against Racism and Intolerance, has published a policy recommendation on combating hate speech. It is a guideline to all 47 member States on how to prevent hate speech, how to support those targets by it, and deal with its consequences.

An updated definition of this phenomenon is provided: hate speech is the advocacy, promotion or incitement of the denigration, hatred or vilification of a persone or a group of persons, any harassment, insult, negative stereotyping, stigmatization or threat of such person or persons and justification of these forms of expression, based on “race”, colour, language, religion or belief, nationality or national or ethnic origin, as well as descent, age, disability, sex, gender,  gender identity, sexual orientation and other characteristics or status.

Encouraging speedy reactions by public figures to hate speech, promoting self-regulation of media, raising awareness of the dangerous consequences of hate speech, encouraging political parties to sign the Charter of European Political Parties for a non-racist society, promote the monitoring of misinformation, negative stereotyping and stigmatisation, are among the most important recommendations.

It is important to recognise that a balance must be held between combating hate speech, and preserving freedom of speech. Indeed, Thorbjorn Jagland – the Council of Europe Secretary General – warned against arbitrary application of sanctions, and he affirmed: “Anti-hate speech measures must be well-founded, proportionate, non-discriminatory, and must not be used to curb freedoms of expression or assembly”.

Read ECRI’s report here

A Parliamentary Commission against hate speech

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Apr. 182016

A parliamentary commission has been established in Italy to contrast and prevent hate speech and to study all the xenofobic and racist actions online. The first goal of this new institution is to better understand the probable drifts that hate speech could take, such as sexism, homosexuality, anti-semitism or Islamophobia and to fight them.

The Commission, chaired by Laura Boldrini, The President of Chamber of Deputies, will be composed by representatives of the various political parties, civil society organizations, institutions and experts.

Cospe is proud to be part of this commission, with other important associations and Institutions, such as Carta di Roma, 21 luglio, Amnesty, Arci, and Council of Europe.

The first meeting will be held on the 10th of May.

Read the Italian article from here

Hate is not an opinion. #SilenceHate in Italy

 Article  Kommentare deaktiviert für Hate is not an opinion. #SilenceHate in Italy
Apr. 052016

The #SilenceHate campaign was launched in Italy with a press conference in Rome on March the 17th. The occasion was the presentation of the research “Hate is not an opinion. Hate speech, journalism and migration”, realized by COSPE on the framework of BRICKS.

The press conference was organized by COSPE in cooperation with the National Union of Journalists FNSI, Articolo 21, Carta di Roma and Illuminare le periferie in order to celebrate the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

The aim of this research is to use analyses of case studies and interviews of select witnesses and media sources to shed light on the phenomenon of online hate speech directed at immigrants, refugees, and minorities. Continue reading »

International Journalism Festival in Perugia

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Apr. 012016

The 10th edition of the International Journalism Festival will open on 6th April in Perugia.

During the five days of Festival, journalism is principally participation and conversation, thus attendees and speakers from all over the world will take part; the focus is not only on journalism, but also on areas of public interest such as the migrant crisis, war, terrorism, freedom of expression and the fight against censorship, and many more. The issues in play are many: fact-checking, explanatory journalism, the role of platforms, the involvement of readers and the civic role of journalism.

It is important to highlight that several workshops will address the issues pertaining to online hate speech. Here some of the seminars that interesting our topic: Less hate more speech: breaking the bad in online comments, The coral project: building better communities, Expression of hatred on the web, and Online hatred: verbal violence and obsessions.

Check the full festival programme and visit the website to learn more about the event!

“L’odio non è un’opinione” Prima ricerca italiana su hate speech, giornalismo e migrazioni

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März 152016


Federazione Nazionale della Stampa

17 marzo 2016 – ore 12.00

Corso Vittorio Emanuele 349, sala Tobagi

14 marzo – In occasione della giornata mondiale contro il razzismo (21 marzo), la Federazione Nazionale della Stampa, Articolo 21, Carta di Roma e COSPE, in collaborazione  con, presentano la ricerca “L’odio non è un’opinione. Hate speech, giornalismo e migrazioni”. La ricerca realizzata da COSPE nell’ambito del progetto europeo contro il razzismo e la discriminazione su web, “BRIKCS” – Building Respect on the Internet by Combating hate Speech”, ha approfondito questo fenomeno tramite l’analisi di casi studio ed interviste a testate e testimoni privilegiati.

Social media, siti e social network sono infatti diventati uno spazio fertile per la diffusione della xenofobia, islamofobia, e discorsi antisemiti e razzisti.

La ricerca ha indagato, attraverso interviste alle testate e analisi di casi studio, le problematiche di gestione delle proprie community e più in generale del lavoro giornalistico ai tempi del web: dalla libertà di espressione alla necessità di regolamentazione, dal ruolo dei giornalisti a quello dei social media manager, dall’obiettivo di informare a quello di coinvolgere e le soluzioni diverse da parte delle redazioni, in una fase di sperimentazione contraddistinta da una difficoltà di adattamento alla dimensione digitale.

Lo stesso giorno sarà lanciata la campagna europea: “Silence hate – changing words changes the worldcon l’hashtag #silencehate con l’obiettivo della campagna web è proprio porre l’attenzione sulla necessità di impedire la diffusione dell’odio e promuovere un uso consapevole della rete.

Durante la conferenza sarà distribuita la ricerca.



Giuseppe Giulietti – Presidente FNSI
Pietro Suber – Associazione Carta di Roma
Alessia Giannoni – COSPE
Elisa Marincola – Articolo 21 / Illuminare le periferie del mondo


Per info: Ufficio stampa COSPE: Pamela Cioni – tel. 055473556 – cell. 3382540141 –

A toolkit to explain Hate Speech

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März 092016

ARTICLE 19 has published a toolkit to explain Hate Speech, it is a guide to identifying “hate speech” and how effectively counter it, while protecting the rights to freedom of expression and equality.

The most important toolkit’s issues are: how identifying hate speech, what positive measures States can take to combating hate speech, and which types of “hate speech” should be prohibited by States.

The aim of this guide is trying to promote the rights to freedom of expression and equality, in order to create a pluralistic and democratic society, in which all human rights can be realised for all people.


Further information here