
Hate Speech Symposium in Cologne

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Juli 132016

DSC_0466 Hate speech is defined as speech that discriminates others due to their race, skin-color, sex or sexual orientation. At least that is how Johannes Baldauf, from the Amadeu Antonio Foundation describes it. He was one of many specialists who gathered to talk about the increasing phenomena at the symposium “Hate Speech- Hate on the Internet” organized by AJS-NRW, LVR, two german instituts that deal with media and their impact on children, and the Media Authority of North Rhine- Westphalia (LfM) on the first of July.

DSC_0443But how can one defend and prevent hate speech? And how should one who is confronted with it react to it? – Just a few of the questions discussed at the symposium which we, also joined. We were able to present the project to the highly interested audience by talking about methods of teaching children and youngsters how to handle cyber bulling or other forms of hate speech on the world wide web. Since the audience consisted out of a lot of teachers and social workers they followed our presentation with great interest and also asked for further information afterwards.

We were not only able to promote the project but also to clarify the importance of “building respect on the internet by combating hate speech”. Standing up, showing courage and defending others from hate speech is something we all need to learn because virtual reality can become actuality really fast.

 Posted by at 12:05

European Commission and IT Companies announce Code of Conduct on illegal online hate speech

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Juni 022016

The European Commission has joined up with Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Microsoft to announce and introduce a code of conduct, which aims to deal with hate speech online. The IT companies agreed to several commitments in order to combat the problem. One of these commitments is:

“The IT Companies have to review the majority of valid notifications for removal of illegal hate speech in less than 24 hours and remove or disable access to such content, if necessary.”

You can find the official EU-Commission press release and the other commitments here.

Since the announcement there have been varied reactions. The German media hasn’t taken too kindly to the reform. The general consensus seems to be that it is a good first step into the right direction but that it is not enough for the IT Companies to just be able to secure their good image. These reactions mainly stem from the very vague wording of the code of conduct.

For more information and further reading you can read a “ZEIT” article about the topic here or an interview by Deutsche Welle with German spokesman Hendrik Zörner of the DJV (German Journalism Union) here.

 Posted by at 12:42

BRICkS Workshops in Deutschland in vollem Gange

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März 172016

P1030348Das BRICkS Projekt führt momentan in Deutschland Workshops zum Thema “Hate Speech” durch. Zu diesem Zweck wurden Trainer unterschiedlicher beruflicher Herkunft ausgebildet. Sie haben Ideen für verschiedene Methoden, Formate und Themen entwickelt und tragen diese nun in Schulen und Jugendeinrichtungen. Bisher haben bereits 5 Workshops stattgefunden und weitere sind vorbereitet. Ergebnisse der Workshops werden regelmäßig auf der Webseite veröffentlicht. Ein erstes Beispiel für Themen und Methoden finden Sie unter:


BRICkS wurde im Jahr 2015 von Partnerorganisationen aus Belgien, Deutschland, Italien und der Tschechischen Republik initiiert, um Maßnahmen gegen Hate Speech im Netz zu entwickeln und zu verbreiten. Zu Projektbeginn war Hass ein durchaus besorgniserregendes Phänomen, das sich in erster Linie gegen ethnische und religiöse Minderheiten, gegen Homosexuelle und Frauen richtete. In der breiten Öffentlichkeit jedoch wurde Hate Speech spätestens im Frühsommer 2015 ein Thema. Auch im Projekt BRICkS war die gesteigerte öffentliche Aufmerksamkeit spürbar: War es zu Projektbeginn eher die Fachöffentlichkeit, die sich für Methoden und Instrumente gegen Hate Speech interessierte, traten ab Herbst 2015 zunehmend Schulen und Jugendeinrichtungen an das Projekt heran, um Workshops zu buchen und Materialien zu erhalten.

 Posted by at 12:50

Facebook Hate Speech: Counter Measures

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Feb. 182016

During the refugee crisis Facebook has been very helpful, these past few weeks and months, in coordinating donations, finding helpers or reuniting people. At the same time, the platform has become a tool to spread hate, xenophobia and rage. Everything from insults to death threats was and can be found there and the term hate speech is known to practically everyone. The comment section is avoided by everyone who observes this development with caution and worry, or turned off by editorial staff entirely. Even German politicians have acknowledged the extent of the matter and the changes that are happening. Continue reading »

 Posted by at 13:42

Join the campaign #nohatespeech “Media speak out against hate speech”

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Sep. 212015

hateSpeechcampaignBanning the promoters of online hate speech and preventing broadcast thereof are not only acts of civic responsibility. For journalists, this is the fulfilment of a basic duty: providing readers, viewers and listeners with real facts.

These words are the incipit of #nohatespeech campaign, launched by  Associazione Carta di Roma, with the support of the European Federation of JournalistsArticolo 21, the National Federation of the Italian Press (FNSI), the Italian Order of Journalists and the Journalists’ Union RAI (USIGRai). Continue reading »

 Posted by at 13:56

Various Round Tables on the Topic of Hate Speech

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Sep. 022015

Round Table / Grimme Institute

On Sept. 2, 2015, social media managers, journalists and educational experts met in the Grimme Institute to exchange experiences on hate speech. They discussed the problems posed by discriminating and degrading hate comments on the Internet and possible (preventive) measures against this phenomenon. “When we started the project last November, we would never have thought that our topic was so up-to-date”, said Aycha Riffi, one of the heads of project of the German BRICkS section. The current debates about the refugees’ admission to Germany caused some extremely abusive comments following newspaper and social media articles. Continue reading »

Social Media Managers at BRICkS Meeting in Brussels

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Mai 112015

The second BRICkS meeting brought together Social Media Managers (SMMs) from the different partner countries.

Every partner was asked to invite three professional SMMs to the conference organised by the Belgian partner Média Animation. Over the course of two days the participants presented their own experiences and problem-oriented solutions and discussed possible structures of online discussions and moderation practices.

P1000481The SMMs were informed on how companies in other countries handle their problems with hate-speech and exchanged ideas and best-practice models. Parallel to the SMM meeting, the BriCkS team members held their 2nd administrative meeting and settled on a detailed timetable and the next milestones.

The Social Media Managers were asked to agree to a short video interview where they talk about the topic of hate speech.

You will find these interviews on our Youtube channel soon.

 Posted by at 12:00

BRICkS Kick-off Meeting in Sevilla

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Jan. 152015

On January 15th, 2015, the united BRICkS team met for the very first time.
People from Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy and Spain gathered in Sevilla to discuss strategies to successfully combat hate speech on the internet.
This meeting was a classic kick-off event where the entire project was planned step by step. From website to workshops, from interviews to communication strategy – everything was part of these talks. Future work and results will be published on this website.

 Posted by at 14:36