Dossier: “Hate speech”, i discorsi d’odio

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Feb. 102016

Recentemente su Prospettive Altre, il portale promosso da Cospe insieme ad ANSI, è stato pubblicato il dossier che raccoglie gli articoli sul fenomeno hate speech. L’anno 2015 è stato segnato dalla crescita preoccupante di molti casi di estremismo e di odio. Sia l’estremismo religioso che la crescita inquietante di nazionalismi esasperati apertamente xenofobi, razzisti, omofobi e violenti ci hanno condotto a una giusta riflessione sul problema e alle possibili soluzioni per arginarlo.

Le responsabilità da un lato sono dei social media che pubblicano notizie – a volte ingigantite – che mettono in cattiva luce le minoranze di vario genere; dall’altro lato sono dei social network che si dimostrano un bacino fertile per l’insorgere di commenti violenti e razzisti. Purtroppo anche la tv e la stampa tradizionale non sono da meno, spesso infatti mettono in risalto notizie dai caratteri forti e allarmisti, sia per creare maggior impatto che per ottenere maggior visibilità.

Per osservare il fenomeno di hate speech, per cercare di capire da dove viene e come funziona, quale impatto ha sulla società, sui giovani e su molto altro ancora, si consiglia la lettura del dossier su Prospettive Altre.

Hate on the Net

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Jan. 262016

This article was published on a Comboni magazine on December 2015 and it is focused on hate speech and its spread on the Internet. Where is the limit between personal opinion, freedom of expression and hate speech? What is the position of journalists? How to react to this violence? These are some questions we’re trying to address with Bricks project and in the articles the objectives and the activities implemented are described. Statistics, national and European studies, campaigns are presented in order to disseminate best practices for the prevention and fight against online racist and xenophobic speech.

Read the Italian version here

Interview with Federico Faloppa

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Jan. 252016

Karim Metref, Italian journalist and trainer of Algerian origin, interviewed Federico Faloppa, Programme Director for Italian Studies at the University of Reading, specialized in the research about linguistic construction and representation of otherness.

This article is focused on the European situation about migrants and refugees, on the role of the media and social networks in representing these news and on the phenomenon of online hate speech.

The impact of traditional media in the construction of public belief is still very important.

The language is a crucial point and Faloppa encourages journalists to strengthen their efforts for a better representation of migration related issues. Some improvements have been registered in the last years and especially now it is important to be careful with appropriate language and correct information.

Online hate speech is a big issue today and education and awareness raising activities are the first steps to undertake. On the other hand provider should also assume their responsibility in regulating this phenomenon, because hate speech is not free speech.

Read the italian version here

What is “hate speech”?

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Jan. 122016

This article was published on the Italian magazine “Prospettive Altre”, promoted by COSPE and ANSI, the National Association of Intercultural Journalists.

The objective of Karim Metref, Italian journalist and trainer of Algerian origins, is to present some definitions about hate speech and related issues.

Hate speech is speech that attacks a person or group on the basis of attributes such as gender, ethnic origin, religion, race, disability, or sexual orientation. This term is linked to any public hate speech, discrimination or violence: public speech, written speech, audio or video speech spread by media, banners and slogans used in politics, cultural and sporting events and manifestations. As well as opinions and comments posted on social media such as: blogs, social networks, forums…

racism is a prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.

xenophobia  is the fear of that which is perceived to be foreign or uncommon, and desire to eliminate its presence. Xenophobia can also be exhibited in the form of an uncritical exaltation of another culture and it includes fear of losing one’s own identity.

sessism, omophobia, transphobia are types of discrimination based on gender and sexual orientation.

anti-Semitism is prejudice against Jews as an ethnic and religious group, it’s widely considered to be a form of racism.

anti-Muslim sentiment is the prejudice against, or fear of the religion of Islam or Muslims.

Hate speech is everyone’s responsibility. We have to change mental approach to limit this movement, working with young people to make them aware of the consequences of hate speech and get close to a intercultural education and a civic society.

Read the italian version here

Anti-racism 2.0

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Nov. 052015

This article was published on Illuminare le periferie del mondo on October 2015 and it focused on the spread of online hate speech against migrants and minorities and on the experience of Bricks project.
This new website was promoted by a large group of Italian civil society organizations and aims at informing about news and facts that are usually not published by mainstream media.
All recent studies show that on websites, blogs and social networks the hate speech are increasing, especially among young people. “Elephant in the room” has been described by those who daily have to manage the flow of comments on social media. A cultural and educational action to contrast the proliferation of racist and violent online messages is urgent.

Read the Italian version here