Workshop on Hate Speech in Bologna

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Mai 042016
Workshop on Hate Speech in Bologna

On May the 3rd, a journalism workshop about hate speech took place in Bologna, hosted by International Centre Zonarelli. This lesson is part of the journalism training course organised by Association SHE news and addressed to a group of 10 migrant women. Also a group of students from the Department of Political Science took part […]

ECRI General Policy Recommendation on combating Hate Speech

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Apr. 272016
ECRI General Policy Recommendation on combating Hate Speech

On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, ECRI – European Commission against Racism and Intolerance, has published a policy recommendation on combating hate speech. It is a guideline to all 47 member States on how to prevent hate speech, how to support those targets by it, and deal with […]

A Parliamentary Commission against hate speech

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Apr. 182016
A Parliamentary Commission against hate speech

A parliamentary commission has been established in Italy to contrast and prevent hate speech and to study all the xenofobic and racist actions online. The first goal of this new institution is to better understand the probable drifts that hate speech could take, such as sexism, homosexuality, anti-semitism or Islamophobia and to fight them. The […]

21st March – #SilenceHate Campain in Belgium

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Apr. 112016
21st March - #SilenceHate Campain in Belgium

Workshop-debate about caricature and freedom of speech On March 21st, as part of the Week of Action against Racism, Media Animation (Belgian partner of BRICkS project) in collaboration with the MRAX (Movement against Racism, Anti-Semitism and xenophobia), organized a workshop-debate on the issues of the caricature and freedom of speech in the fight against discrimination. 

Hate is not an opinion. #SilenceHate in Italy

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Apr. 052016
Hate is not an opinion. #SilenceHate in Italy

The #SilenceHate campaign was launched in Italy with a press conference in Rome on March the 17th. The occasion was the presentation of the research “Hate is not an opinion. Hate speech, journalism and migration”, realized by COSPE on the framework of BRICKS. The press conference was organized by COSPE in cooperation with the National […]

International Journalism Festival in Perugia

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Apr. 012016
International Journalism Festival in Perugia

The 10th edition of the International Journalism Festival will open on 6th April in Perugia. During the five days of Festival, journalism is principally participation and conversation, thus attendees and speakers from all over the world will take part; the focus is not only on journalism, but also on areas of public interest such as […]


 Uncategorized  Kommentare deaktiviert für CAMPAIGN IN CZECH REPUBLIC
März 302016

Within the international campaign „Silence hate! Changing words changes the World”, Multicultural Centre Prague produced a video named „#HodnejKluk (#GoodGuy)” and organized a guided walk through Prague, with the purpose to highlight the importance of building respect on internet and in everyday life. Link: THE WALK The aim of walk named „Racially motivated murders […]

 Posted by at 13:18

#SilenceHate – The European Campaign against online hate speech

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März 182016
#SilenceHate - The European Campaign against online hate speech

With the slogan “Silence hate – Changing words changes the world” and the hashtag #silencehate, the European campaign against online hate speech will take-off on 21st March, the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Even though there is no systematic monitoring of this phenomenon at European level, almost all national and international experts […]

 Posted by at 11:13

BRICkS Workshops in Deutschland in vollem Gange

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März 172016
BRICkS Workshops in Deutschland in vollem Gange

Das BRICkS Projekt führt momentan in Deutschland Workshops zum Thema “Hate Speech” durch. Zu diesem Zweck wurden Trainer unterschiedlicher beruflicher Herkunft ausgebildet. Sie haben Ideen für verschiedene Methoden, Formate und Themen entwickelt und tragen diese nun in Schulen und Jugendeinrichtungen. Bisher haben bereits 5 Workshops stattgefunden und weitere sind vorbereitet. Ergebnisse der Workshops werden regelmäßig […]

 Posted by at 12:50

“L’odio non è un’opinione” Prima ricerca italiana su hate speech, giornalismo e migrazioni

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März 152016
“L'odio non è un'opinione” Prima ricerca italiana su hate speech, giornalismo e migrazioni

CONFERENZA STAMPA DI PRESENTAZIONE: Federazione Nazionale della Stampa 17 marzo 2016 – ore 12.00 Corso Vittorio Emanuele 349, sala Tobagi 14 marzo – In occasione della giornata mondiale contro il razzismo (21 marzo), la Federazione Nazionale della Stampa, Articolo 21, Carta di Roma e COSPE, in collaborazione  con, presentano la ricerca “L’odio non è […]