Train the trainers

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März 102016
Train the trainers

The train the trainers for Czech participants took place in the Centre of Ecological Activities Sluňákov near Olomouc, from February 5th to February 7th, 2016. On the first day, the 28 trainers went through the different definitions of hate speech, dangerous speech in relation to the Czech context, and learnt more about how to deal with […]

 Posted by at 13:01

A toolkit to explain Hate Speech

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März 092016
A toolkit to explain Hate Speech

ARTICLE 19 has published a toolkit to explain Hate Speech, it is a guide to identifying “hate speech” and how effectively counter it, while protecting the rights to freedom of expression and equality. The most important toolkit’s issues are: how identifying hate speech, what positive measures States can take to combating hate speech, and which types […]

“The German lawyers’ battle against hate speech on Facebook still goes on”

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März 052016
“The German lawyers’ battle against hate speech on Facebook still goes on”

To facilitate the posting of anti-Semitic and other inflammatory content online: this is the accusation of Activist German attorney who have faced resistance in their quest to hold Facebook accountable to Germany’s hate speech laws. Despite it is illegal to incite hatred and to publicly Nazi symbols in Germany, they can still be found on Facebook’s […]

Hate speech regulations or free speech restrictions?

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März 042016
Hate speech regulations or free speech restrictions?

This article was published on PRISM Project web site, and it focuses on the complex question of freedom of speech. Where is the borderline between personal opinion, freedom of expression and hate speech? Certainly, there is a thin line between free speech and hate speech, and the damage results consists on the offense caused to […]

Facebook includes migrants to hate speech protection list

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Feb. 282016
Facebook includes migrants to hate speech protection list

“Hate speech has no place on Facebook and in our community” is the declaration of, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO. Speaking at an event in Berlin he added “I don’t think we were doing a good enough job. And I think we will continue needing to do a better and better job”. German Chancellor Angela Merkel […]

Less Hate, More Speech

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Feb. 242016
Less Hate, More Speech

Launched in July 2014, the Less Hate, More Speech Project is coordinated by Media Research Centre (MRC), in a partnership with University of Bergen (Norway), Central European University (Budapest, Hungary) and CURS (The Center for Urban and Regional Sociology, Romania). The project examines the role political elites and mass media play in reducing or promoting […]

Facebook Hate Speech: Counter Measures

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Feb. 182016

During the refugee crisis Facebook has been very helpful, these past few weeks and months, in coordinating donations, finding helpers or reuniting people. At the same time, the platform has become a tool to spread hate, xenophobia and rage. Everything from insults to death threats was and can be found there and the term hate […]

 Posted by at 13:42

The Coral Project

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Feb. 182016
The Coral Project

The objective is to create open-source tools and resources for publishers of all sizes to build better communities around their journalism. Launched in 2014, The Coral Project is a collaboration between the Mozilla Foundation, The New York Times, and The Washington Post, and is funded by a grant from the John S. and James L. […]

“Hate speech! Che cos’è?”

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Feb. 102016
"Hate speech! Che cos'è?"

Murat Cinar ha realizzato un interessante video per Prospettive Altre nel quale quattro ragazzi torinesi, di varie estrazioni socio culturali, parlano dei discorsi di incitamento all’odio: che cosa sono, come funzionano e della loro diffusione nei vari mezzi di comunicazione. In particolare raccontano come li vivono in quanto giovani e quale potrebbe essere la soluzione […]

Dossier: “Hate speech”, i discorsi d’odio

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Feb. 102016
Dossier: "Hate speech", i discorsi d'odio

Recentemente su Prospettive Altre, il portale promosso da Cospe insieme ad ANSI, è stato pubblicato il dossier che raccoglie gli articoli sul fenomeno hate speech. L’anno 2015 è stato segnato dalla crescita preoccupante di molti casi di estremismo e di odio. Sia l’estremismo religioso che la crescita inquietante di nazionalismi esasperati apertamente xenofobi, razzisti, omofobi e violenti ci hanno condotto a una […]