Training for teachers and educators on the tool “Draw me the freedom of speech » – Brussels – January 2016

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Feb. 092016
Training for teachers and educators on the tool "Draw me the freedom of speech » – Brussels – January 2016

The European project BRICKS aims to combat the spread of hate speech against migrants and minorities through media education and active involvement of users and producers of content on the web. Instead of focusing only on the potential negative consequences of youth uses of the Internet, the goal is to explore the opportunities for an […]

Hate on the Net

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Jan. 262016
Hate on the Net

This article was published on a Comboni magazine on December 2015 and it is focused on hate speech and its spread on the Internet. Where is the limit between personal opinion, freedom of expression and hate speech? What is the position of journalists? How to react to this violence? These are some questions we’re trying to […]

Interview with Federico Faloppa

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Jan. 252016
Interview with Federico Faloppa

Karim Metref, Italian journalist and trainer of Algerian origin, interviewed Federico Faloppa, Programme Director for Italian Studies at the University of Reading, specialized in the research about linguistic construction and representation of otherness. This article is focused on the European situation about migrants and refugees, on the role of the media and social networks in representing […]

What is “hate speech”?

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Jan. 122016
What is "hate speech"?

This article was published on the Italian magazine “Prospettive Altre”, promoted by COSPE and ANSI, the National Association of Intercultural Journalists. The objective of Karim Metref, Italian journalist and trainer of Algerian origins, is to present some definitions about hate speech and related issues. Hate speech is speech that attacks a person or group on […]

Anti-racism 2.0

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Nov. 052015
Anti-racism 2.0

This article was published on Illuminare le periferie del mondo on October 2015 and it focused on the spread of online hate speech against migrants and minorities and on the experience of Bricks project. This new website was promoted by a large group of Italian civil society organizations and aims at informing about news and facts […]

Upcoming events in Italy

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Okt. 012015
Upcoming events in Italy

October promises to be a very busy month for Bricks Project. We will take part to 2 important events in Prato and Milan.

 Posted by at 09:00

Join the campaign #nohatespeech “Media speak out against hate speech”

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Sep. 212015
Join the campaign #nohatespeech “Media speak out against hate speech”

Banning the promoters of online hate speech and preventing broadcast thereof are not only acts of civic responsibility. For journalists, this is the fulfilment of a basic duty: providing readers, viewers and listeners with real facts. These words are the incipit of #nohatespeech campaign, launched by  Associazione Carta di Roma, with the support of the European […]

 Posted by at 13:56

Various Round Tables on the Topic of Hate Speech

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Sep. 022015
Various Round Tables on the Topic of Hate Speech

On Sept. 2, 2015, social media managers, journalists and educational experts met in the Grimme Institute to exchange experiences on hate speech. They discussed the problems posed by discriminating and degrading hate comments on the Internet and possible (preventive) measures against this phenomenon. “When we started the project last November, we would never have thought […]

Social Media Managers at BRICkS Meeting in Brussels

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Mai 112015
Social Media Managers at BRICkS Meeting in Brussels

The second BRICkS meeting brought together Social Media Managers (SMMs) from the different partner countries. Every partner was asked to invite three professional SMMs to the conference organised by the Belgian partner Média Animation. Over the course of two days the participants presented their own experiences and problem-oriented solutions and discussed possible structures of online […]

 Posted by at 12:00