BRICkS will take part at the Internet Festival in Pisa on 9th October 2016 with the final event of the Project!
When:–10.00 am-1.00 pm
Where: Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa – http://www.santannapisa.it/
Online hate speech is a worrying and complex phenomenon, which has deep cultural and social roots and brings new questions and challenges to the issue of freedom of expression on the web. Only a collective commitment at cultural and educational level can be the basis to counter online hate speech, promoting at the same time freedom and participation which are major components of the Internet.
Responsibilities and roles of providers and media, legal tools and educational initiatives in schools will be the main issues addressed by the experts, starting from the results of the European two-year project BRICkS, which carried out studies on journalism and migration and media education workshops in schools in Italy, Germany, Czech Republic and Belgium.
The panel will be introduced by Sara Cerretelli- Cospe and moderated by Marco Pratellesi – Director AGI
Giovanni Ziccardi – Professor of Legal Informatics at the University of Milan
Sven Gantzkow – Social media manager WDR.de
Klara Kalibova – Director of IUSTITIA
Daniel Bonvoisin – Media education expert at Média Animation
Martina Chichi – Coordinator of the Charter of Rome Association