Stopping hate on twitter

 Article  Kommentare deaktiviert für Stopping hate on twitter
Juli 252016

A practical guide to counter Hate Speech on Twitter.  The initiative is launched by Media Diversity Institute in the framework of the project “Get The Trolls Out” aimed at engaging young people around the importance of fighting antisemitic speech and bolstering new media advocacy against hate speech.

The objective of the guide STOPPING HATE is to counter hate speech as a way of responding to hateful speeches online, providing alternative positive messages, and helping shape tolerance and respect.

If left unchallenged, the peddling of myths, lies, and the use of hateful rhetoric and abuse can lead to more harm being done – especially when individuals are targeted without knowing there is support out there and ‘haters’ gain more confidence about expressing their views both on and off-line.”

As a public forum, Twitter is legitimate to require a serious consideration of comments. Hence, they provide a resource bank of ideas and suggestions with a view to adopting the best strategies to follow by using social media.

Among the possible solutions and most important recommendations available are: don’t spread their hate, respond promptly, think about your objectives, introduce new hashtags, build a narrative, choose your words carefully, don’t get personal, think about your tone, be visual, disengaging from counter speech.


Here you can download the guide Stopping Hate!

A toolkit to explain Hate Speech

 Article  Kommentare deaktiviert für A toolkit to explain Hate Speech
März 092016

ARTICLE 19 has published a toolkit to explain Hate Speech, it is a guide to identifying “hate speech” and how effectively counter it, while protecting the rights to freedom of expression and equality.

The most important toolkit’s issues are: how identifying hate speech, what positive measures States can take to combating hate speech, and which types of “hate speech” should be prohibited by States.

The aim of this guide is trying to promote the rights to freedom of expression and equality, in order to create a pluralistic and democratic society, in which all human rights can be realised for all people.


Further information here