Less Hate, More Speech

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Feb. 242016

Launched in July 2014, the Less Hate, More Speech Project is coordinated by Media Research Centre (MRC), in a partnership with University of Bergen (Norway), Central European University (Budapest, Hungary) and CURS (The Center for Urban and Regional Sociology, Romania).

The project examines the role political elites and mass media play in reducing or promoting anti-democratic and intolerant discourse among the citizens.

It is an exploratory and comparative study that engages an international group of social scientists in designing and employing online experiments to understand the factors that shape the tone of everyday talk among Romanians.

Through its 11 workpackages that deal with different themes, the project will advance inter-disciplinary scientific research bridging the gap between political science, media studies, and communication science in the sensitive area of pro-democratic and minority-tolerant attitudes and make theoretical, empirical and methodological contributions to the state of the art.

The project will also shed light on the extent and sources of many differences between Norway and Romania with respect to the presence of a pro-democratic, tolerant discourse among citizens.

Less hate, more speech project will be presented on 6th April 2016 during the International Journalism Festival in Perugia, Italy.

Click here to learn more about Less Hate, More Speech Project!

The Coral Project

 Article  Kommentare deaktiviert für The Coral Project
Feb. 182016

The objective is to create open-source tools and resources for publishers of all sizes to build better communities around their journalism.

Launched in 2014, The Coral Project is a collaboration between the Mozilla Foundation, The New York Times, and The Washington Post, and is funded by a grant from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.

It’s a free web platform realized to promote a productive community, which creates software that publishers can use to better connect with their community, and that journalists can use to better connect with publishers.

In the website they also collect, support, and share practices, tools, and studies to improve communities on the web.

Useful tools are available on the website, for example a card game, to help people think about the structure of online communities. In the section dedicated to the community many contributors discuss about online communities, comment sections and journalism.


Click here and get involved in The Coral Project!