European synthesis on the experimentation of training modules combating hate speech and discriminations

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Nov. 102016

The European project BRICkS– Building Respect on the Internet by Combating Hate Speech – aims to combat the spread of online hate speech against migrants and minorities through media literacy and active involvement of web users and web content producers. In this framework, four media education modules -one in each country involved in the project (Italy, Belgium, Germany and Czech Republic)- were designed to raise awareness about fighting online discriminations and hate speech. These training modules were implemented in schools and youth centers between September 2015 and November 2016.

This report provides a synthesis about the design and the experimentation process of these training modules in each national context. It has been elaborated thanks to the materials produced and also collected by each national team: modules description, logbooks from trainers or teachers, quantitative data, examples of students’ productions and finally, some pictures from the workshops.  Continue reading »

#Silencehate: European Study on Hate Speech Online

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Okt. 202016

The study is the synthesis of four studies conducted in Belgium (the French-speaking part of the country), Czech Republic, Germany and Italy, about the hate speech online against migrants and minorities.

It aims at comparing the various realities pinpointing differences and commonalities, with the aim of learning something from each national experience. In order to do this, the study will consider the national contexts and the case studies analysed by the national research teams.

A special attention is given to the actions undertaken to encourage a positive and effective contrast to racist and xenophobic discourse on the web and to the opinions and suggestions given by social media managers, journalists, media editors, media activists and scholars.

The study contains the “Guidelines for community and social media managers” for the prevention and contrast of hate speech online.



The report is downloadable here

The executive summary in Italian is available here



“Hate Speech against refugees in Social Media” Recommendations for Action

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Okt. 182016

Unfortunately, since social networks have become an instrument to spread xenophobia, hate, and abuse against minorities, the need to combat hatred comments online is increasing. How to recognize online hate speech especially against migrants and refugees? How to oppose to online racism? Therefore, “Hate speech against refugees in Social Media” provides an overview of “what can specifically be done if once again racist hate speech is encountered on the internet”.

Published as a part of the federal programme Demokratie Leben!, and funded by Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, the brochure has been created by the no-nazi-net team, and it is addressed to anyone interested to combat racist hate speech online.

In the first paragraph of the study we can read some frequent forms of racist hate speech against refugees, such as: contrasting us versus them, generalizations and blanket attributions, projecting onto “refugees” problems involving all of society. Even sentences like “So am I to be labelled a Nazi just because I …”, or “Where is my own freedom of speech if you delete my comments?”

The study investigates different ways for countering racist hate speech, trying to answer to some fundamental questions about the issue. It focuses on how to identify xenophobe hate speech and how to manage it through self-protection and empowerment.

Click here to read the research.